Proof-like Gold: A Final Frontier for Numismatic Investors?


Proof-like coins are regular issue “business strike” coins that have the appearance of proofs, with highly reflective, mirror-like fields and enhanced visual contrast. They’re generally found among the first strikes from a freshly-polished coin die, and they’re both amazingly rare and attractively undervalued. Some experts see them as one of the last remaining under-appreciated classes of coins in numismatic investment markets.

One of only two known proof-like specimens. No finer specimen has been recognized by NGC or PCGS. Available now, priced at $19,500 - please call

Proof-like specimens almost always represent a tiny fraction of the total population of issues graded by NGC and PCGS. Take the case of this 1882-CC Double Eagle: About 2,000 specimens have been graded by the two services, with only two specimens receiving the proof-like (PL) designation. A quick calculation reveals those two specimens to be literally a thousand times more rare than any non proof-like specimen! Both grade AU-55 PL, making them tied as finest-known examples of proof-like specimens. 

Our buyers are actively seeking branch mint proof-like specimens like this 1882-CC $20 Gold example. As of this writing the specimen shown and discussed here is still available - call us today for more information, and a list of other available PL specimens.

1882-CC $20 - AU 55 PL (NGC)