Returns + Exchanges

Return Policy

We offer a 10 day full satisfaction guarantee on all products shown here with a listed price, as well as any product we promote with a listed price by email or in printed literature. The same 10 day policy includes many other products we may suggest to you or that you may inquire about, including most historic and rare coins. Generally, only products classed as bullion are excepted from this policy. If you choose to return your purchase you will generally be refunded in a manner corresponding to your payment - credit card purchased will be credited to the card used to purchase; cash, check, bank wire, and money order payment will be refunded by check. You will only be responsible for charges for original and return shipping. Your 10 days begins on the date you receive your coins as reported by our insured shipping agent (USPS or UPS).

Exchange Policy

If you are happy with your purchase decision but disappointed with the appearance or quality of your coins we are pleased to exchange your coin(s) for a matching specimen. If we are unable to supply a similar specimen we will happily return your money as outlined above, including shipping charges.


Bullion products generally include current issue or unspecified date coins whose price is closely based on daily gold, silver, platinum, or palladium spot prices. Many coins shown here listed with “please call for current price” in the item description are classified as bullion. If you are unsure, please ask your sales representative or check the details found in the product listing.

Ask Us

If you are ever uncertain about the return policy that applies to any coin, please verify with us before purchase. Any returns or exchanges made when status is undetermined will be at our sole discretion.